We are excited to release our Profile Portfolios for managing Amazon Advertising Profiles. This feature is more geared towards Advertising agencies rather than individual sellers.
For Agencies that manage multiple clients, you would usually end up with hundreds if not thousands of profiles on your dashboard.
This can quickly become a nightmare for managing the profiles and for even knowing which profiles belongs to which clients. There is no inbuilt Amazon ads functionality that helps you manage profiles. You can build portfolios for campaigns and organize campaigns on Amazon advertising console but unfortunately so such functionality exists for profiles or accounts.
This month, we released the Profile portfolio functionality. This will be useful for agencies that manage lots of profiles.
Creating portfolio is quick and easy job. Just select the profiles and click on Create new portfolio. Then you can move profiles to different Portfolios.

By default, the AiHello campaigns dashboard displays all Portfolios. However you can use the Quick Portfolio selector to quickly switch between portfolios.

For Profiles that you do not manage or no longer manage, you can always disable them from the same screen. Scroll horizontally in the Profiles List until you can see the enabled buttons for each profile and then click on the switch to disable them.
Disabled profiles are by default not displayed in the list of profiles.
Profile Portfolios are one more way, AiHello AutoPilot is helping Amazon Advertising Agencies that use our platform to effectively manage their clients easily and also organize them.