Since the beginning of time, human beings have had to deal with their environment. Animals and nature have been our inseparable companions, and as a consequence, our internal programming is…
Employer branding: why companies increasingly care about their image as employers
Can marketing help you capture talent? Should companies use these strategies to position themselves to their potential employees and thus to connect with them? The relationship between marketing and human…
Automated Order Fulfillment for Shopify: Everything you know about it
What is order fulfillment?If you are an Amazon seller-handling order fulfillment in-house, then you will agree that the steps togetting orders to your customers are never a walk in the…
The Power of Experiences
One of the recurring things in studies is that consumers are now looking for different relationships with companies. That they also expect them to offer different content, different actions and…
Is free shipping a big lie?
One of the first lessons learned about e-commerce is that consumers are not willing at all to pay for receiving the products they buy. Free shipments are one of the…
Is Generation Z the new millennials?
When the millennials became fashionable a few years ago and everyone was talking about them, there were a number of recurring explanations about this peak of interest and why companies…
The power of the name: why we prefer the well-known brand
Who has not ever heard someone saying that is better to buy one thing than another ‘because that brand is already known? It is quite likely that we will not…
A Short Guide on The Various E-Tailing Business Models
Online retail is not about a single entity being in business. There are a lot of merchants, who are selling their products through various styles. They all have their business…
Ecommerce is completely changing our consumption schedules
Internet does not have a schedule: everything is open 24 hours a day during all days of the week, whether it is a holiday, or at night or an hour…
Those over 50, the new opportunity for electronic commerce
Millennials have ceased to be the future of electronic commerce in favor of Silver Internet users. Internet use among those over 65 has increased greatly in recent years. The first…
Is music important for marketing?
Music is a kind of universal language, an element that can reach many people even beyond the barriers of language or cultural differences. Music picks up emotions and presents them…
Keys To A Successful Digital Marketing Strategy (part 3)
Final part of this series! Hope you aren’t missing anything!– Gamification: Create web applications that massify your message with “entertaining games or apps” that will give your customers a long…
Buying on the internet is no longer cheaper than buying offline
A Deeper Understanding of 3PL Warehouses and FBA
Many are now jumping into eCommerce business bandwagon. Online stores are opening here and there. But what’s ironic is, despite having tons of people getting into eCommerce, just a handful…
Here’s How We Helped Jack Establish His Brand Website-
For many businesses, branding stands as one of the most important aspects; large or small, retail, or B2B. Having a good brand strategy gives you a significant cutting edge in…
The newest professional profile that companies are looking for.
Brands and companies have to face a changing environment and a series of new demands and new challenges, which quickly move to their workforce. What do they have to know…
The Internet and the changes it made to our ecommerce lifestyle
Many are the changes that the internet has brought to the market and they have changed how businesses have to operate and work. The network has made the communication change,…
Budget your working capital efficiently to maximize the growth of your business
Ecommerce businesses need to know their working capital and by working capitals, I mean how much money to reasonably spend on your business over a period of time, such as…
What is the profile of the users who return their purchases?
Any user who makes an online purchase is assisted by the right of desist. This right covers, in principle, all consumers of eCommerce and gives them the option to return…
M-Commerce and mobile commerce: How to make the most of it during the summer?
Summer and heat are once again one of the most feared e-commerce times, which until now were forced to dust off their heavy artillery if they do not want to…