Those were the days when getting your book published was like a catch-22 situation, where the authors need to get past the most difficult gate. They spend months writing a…
Does Amazon Advertising help organic sales?
Online eCommerce enterprises that use the Amazon selling platform have a variety of alternatives on how to approach their business. One of them is the possibility of using “Amazon Sponsored…
Seller Fulfilled Return Update : Effective August 16, 2021
Amazon has always prioritized customer service over everything. Currently, Amazon’s customer service guidelines are responsible for the latest updates, which puts some third-party sellers in trouble. Third-party sellers operating independently of…
Refund at First Scan (RFS) for Seller-Fulfilled Prime
What is Amazon’s first-scan refund policy?Amazon has extended its “first-scan” refund policy to more sellers to provide a more consistent experience, regardless of which buyer purchased the item they wanted…
Amazon Product Listing Optimization – The Practical Seller Guide
When selling on Amazon, the best product doesn’t always win. It’s like a race where even the most talented athlete has to follow the rules to win. Whether you are new…
A Small Note on Your Seller Nickname!
Are you a new seller who is just starting out? Then you are probably wondering what you should keep as your nickname. When you are starting out as a seller…
The Good Part About Amazon as a Sales Middleman
All the facts about having middlemen in a business have been known since years, and while there are a lot of demerits to them existing, they do carry a certain…
Tips to Sell on Amazon
Here we will specifically analyze the Amazon store as MarketPlace (or sales platform). Although we are shown many advantages, we must take into account a number of elements to highlight:–…
Understanding Sales Trend Phenomenon- (Weekly, Monthly & Yearly Trends)
Knowing more about one’s sales and customer’s buying habits is the wish for most retailers. They want to know the right button to press so as to sky-rocket sales and…
Importance of customer service for e-commerce
In e-commerce is equally important what happens before as what happens after the purchase. Before the consumer makes the final click that will cause the product they want to become…
Clear and detailed product information, crucial for consumers when it comes to buying online
When a consumer is looking for a particular product over the Internet, what is it that takes you to click on the “buy” button? Is it a low price? Very…
Predicting Amazon sales using Deep Learning
IntroductionMy primary aim was to predict the sales of an item given the Best Seller Rank on Amazon. Predicting the sales helps me in other use cases like suggesting sellers…