With over 2,000 new sellers joining the Amazon marketplace every day, you must always be aware of what your rivals are up to. To go ahead, you need to know…
Top 12 Scale Insights Alternatives & Competitors for 2025
Scale Insights helps Amazon sellers save time by automating their PPC campaigns with advanced bid adjustments, bulk campaign creation, and detailed reporting.But like any other software, Scale Insights has its…
AutoPilot October Update: Better charts, bulk enable Amazon PPC Automation and more
We had some great new features released for AiHello AutoPilot this month.If you can’t view the below changes, please clear your cache and reload the browser.1) New charts to track…
HowTo: Refreshing your Amazon Campaigns to get the latest changes
AiHello updates the reports from your campaigns frequently but the budget and status of the campaigns are updated weekly.If you update the budget for a campaign, enable/disable a campaign, create…
A Small Note on Your Seller Nickname!
Are you a new seller who is just starting out? Then you are probably wondering what you should keep as your nickname. When you are starting out as a seller…
The re-rise of Wal-Mart: from a plummeting failure, to a new era of refreshing changes
Reinvention. In the world of business, it’s a word that inspires fear to many companies that don’t know how to deal with failure and prefer to go on with the…
Four secrets to lower your FBA fees
How to lower your amazon seller fees The digital era has opened up new opportunities for those that are willing to start a business. If you are searching for a spot…
4 times in which re-branding is mandatory
Changing the logo of a brand or a company is a very complicated process and not risk free. Some of the companies that have thrown themselves to it have found…
Tips for a correct demand forecasting of your inventory
Switching on Smart Fulfillment Via AiHello for Woocommerce/Shopify and Amazon FBA Integration
1. Click on Settings > Order FulfillmentClick on the settings menu at the bottom of the left navigation bar and then click on “Order Fulfillment” to bring up the order…
A Short Guide on The Various E-Tailing Business Models
Online retail is not about a single entity being in business. There are a lot of merchants, who are selling their products through various styles. They all have their business…
Connecting Your Marketplaces to AiHello
1. Click on the setting tab on the sidebar and select “Connect Platform”2. Select an Amazon platform you want to connect3. Click “Click here to get your Amazon ____ tokens”…
What is the profile of the users who return their purchases?
Any user who makes an online purchase is assisted by the right of desist. This right covers, in principle, all consumers of eCommerce and gives them the option to return…
Whats new (Week of October 1st)
What’s new for October 1st 20191) Currency switcher now remembers your selection2) You can create email campaigns for returned ordersThis allows you to target customers who have returned your product…
Sales Forecast using multiple Predictors
Understanding Sales Trend Phenomenon- (Weekly, Monthly & Yearly Trends)
Knowing more about one’s sales and customer’s buying habits is the wish for most retailers. They want to know the right button to press so as to sky-rocket sales and…
How to Copy Your Product Listings to New Marketplaces
1. Click on “Copy my listing from one marketplace to another”Click on the drop down menu on the top bar that says “I want to: Select your Goal” and select…
Predicting Amazon sales using Deep Learning
[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”3.22.5″][et_pb_row _builder_version=”3.22.5″ border_color_bottom=”rgba(0,0,0,0)”][et_pb_column type=”3_4″ _builder_version=”3.22.5″][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.22.5″]IntroductionMy primary aim was to predict the sales of an item given the Best Seller Rank on Amazon. Predicting the sales helps me…
Four secrets to lower your FBA fees
The digital era has opened up new opportunities for those that are willing to start a business. If you are searching for a spot in the online market, Amazon can…
Adding AiHello as a Private App on Shopify
Start by going to the API Generation page on Shopify:https://help.shopify.com/en/api/getting-started/api-credentials#generate-private-api-credentials2. In the private API section, click on the Apps link on step 4 and Sign in to your Shopify account3….